Postings - All postings are placed properly in a conspicuous location on the home, structure or land parcel. Up to 3 copies
$35.00 posted in weather protective cover sheets. Two photographs of postings are taken for true due diligence.
Vacancy Check - Property is thoroughly checked with true due diligence to verify if it is vacant or currently occupied.
Check includes detailed documentation regarding condition of home and property, power, water, gas,
$35.00 landscaping, identification of abandoned vehicles and mail piles.
Document Retrieval - We will pick up your documents at your location for your convenience when you make a service
request. For a fee, we will pick up and deliver any other documents to or from your office $25.00 anywhere throughout Whatcom county.
Filing - Our prices are all inclusive, if we serve any documents at your request we will file copies and the proof of service at no extra
$25.00 cost. For a fee, we will pick up any other documents at your specified location and properly file them for you.
Small Claims - For a typical small claim, we will properly prepare and file your documents. This fee includes a 30 minute
consultation, preparation of all documents, filing fee, and service upon the other party if they live within
$295.00 Whatcom county.
Lease Agreements - We will prepare property lease agreements for rental or land use arrangements. Our leases cover
all necessary details in a precise and documented fashion.
Notary - Our prices are all inclusive. We will take care of any notary needs of any documents that you request for service that require notarization. For a fee, we will have any documents notarized for your convenience. We will retrieve the $25.00 documents from your location and return them to you notarized the same day.
Writs - Service of blind writs to any location in Whatcom county. Any certified mail regarding the writ will be mailed immediately
$35.00 after the writ is served. We take care of any filing needs, including proof of service.
Pro-Se Document Preparation - We can help you with the preparation and filing of a variety of Pro-Se documents,
including divorce decrees, parenting plans, child support orders, small claims,
Prices vary depending on your needs. garnishments, contempt orders, modifications, and much more. Call now for a free
consultation. If you need the assistance of an attorney, we will refer you to a
reputable attorney that will provide you with the important service that you need.